Friday 28 September 2018

Basic Camera Shots:

  • Establishing shot/ Extreme Long shot - The camera is capturing a large area, usually a building to set the time and location in which the next scene will take place.
  • Long Shot - This shot will show a characters whole body, Head to toe.
  • Mid Shot - This is a shot of a character from the waist up.
  • Two Shot - A shot of two characters in the same scene, this displays the attitudes and opinions of characters towards each other
  • Close up - This shot is a close up of usually a characters face.
  • Point Of View - The audience will see the action from a characters point of view, usually used to dramatise an object which the character is looking at showing it had some significance.
  • Extreme Close up - A close up of an area big enough for just the eyes of a character
Basic Camera Movements:
  • Tracking - Simple backwards and forwards movements.
  • Sideways Tracking - Simple Left and Right movements/Crab
  • Tilt - Up and down movements
  • Zoom - Not actually moving the camera but using its feature to zoom in and out of an object
  • Arc - Moving 180 degrees around one point.
  • Crane/ Drone - Using either in order to get movement from above the action.
  • Panning - The camera will stay still an move over an area.
Basic Camera Angles:
  • Over the Shoulder - This captures part of the back of one characters head and allows you to see what the character is looking at as a whole rather than focussing in.
  • High Angle Shot - Looking down at someone, used to show the character as weak.
  • Low Angle Shot - Looking up at someone, used to show a character as strong and powerful.
                                                                        Long Shot

Mid shot

                                                                         Close Up

                                                                 Extreme close Up

Establishing shot

Over the Shoulder

Two Shot

Low Angle Shot