Tuesday 26 February 2019

Image result for sexist 60's ads

I believe adverts have a completely different view of gender nowadays than they did back in the 60/70's. In adverts in the 60's there used to be incredibly sexist stereotypes and views which I believe wouldn't be accepted nowadays, one such example is the old smoking ad I have put in the top left of this page; this advert is portraying a completely sexist view of women which sees them as being under men not only in worth but in other senses as well, for instance the fact that the women in positioned on her knees below the man lounging on the bed in in order to show he is in control of her and is more powerful, I'm inferring this as he is in a more powerful position in the scene as well as his position intended in the poster. Another example of stereotypes shown in this image is the way that the man is in his work clothes of a white shirt and tie therefore compared to the women who is wearing just her dressing gown, that the man is working and providing were as the woman is just supposed to support the man and clean as well as cook. The fact that she has made him breakfast is showing also her role of carer and housewife in this image, the fact that she has also given it to him in bed intends to show his dominance over her. All of these points of sexism in this adverts went well with societies norms and stereotypes back in the 60's and back then were considered to be completely normal.

Nowadays this type of advert would not be accepted and by 'this type of advert' I mean adverts which only display women in the sense of a housewife only there to aid the man, now in adverts you're more likely to see women presented as their own independent people free of a lot of the stereotypes which we used to see in the 60's, infact due to the multiple women's rights movements we can now see adverts purposefully intending to support women having a right to do what they want.

However an effect of the lack of the stereotype linking women to being mature mothers and housewives. In place of this sexism we can now see adverts which over-sexualise women massively which now as opposed to showing women as housewives just show them as an item which a man can have usually with the help of a certain products therefore although the view of gender has changed on women there are still examples of sexism just different types. An example of women being sexualised to make men buy products is the top right corner.

A massively overlooked change, or lack there of is the gender role of men which is displayed in advertising. For nearly as long as advertising has been a thing all the way back to print advertising in newspapers there has been a long standing theme which intends to display products in a way which is seen as masculine as the companies believe that all men strive to be seen as extremely masculine and manly, this stereotype has plagued the media and I brought it up to write than it has never really changed throughout the years and that in all men's advertising it always focusses making sure the men thinks the products boosts their masculinity. However just in recent years since around 2012 there has been a lot more adverts intended for men in order to encourage men that there is nothing wrong with stopping the social stereotypes and having a feminine side to their life. and as well that it is not wrong for them to cry as it is becoming a big push for men to see their emotions and accept them and be there for other men. this type of message in advertising has not been seen before and is incredibly new. Yet there is a long way more this advertisement could go.