Friday 8 March 2019

The Bake off and Britain cover

Question 1:
In the bake off cover there is no unpredictability in the masthead with it being the traditional "The Big Issue' logo however with the image on the front that is unpredictable for instance with a new cover every week with the big issue, having one on bakeoff isn't predictable so although it is displaying a normal image it is random and unpredictable with a different image each week and not only a different image but a different style of image on each and every cover. There is an element of this cover being hybrid with fonts of all different types being displayed as opposed to just one key font, there is the main sans serif font saying 'The Great British Bake Off' yet an odd cartoon cursive like font just below it showing some hybrid and unpredictability with the fonts that the magazine uses.
The Britain cover is completely different, with a different font, use of image, however still retains the classic 'The Big Issue' masthead at the top although with some slight colour changes it still shows their Brande identity. Yet a lot of the cover is unpredictable, for instance the image shows no people in it but acknowledges all of England, it displays England as a leaf due the the topic of 'Earth Day' it is a leaf because world day is about preserving the Earth and leaves link to nature and therefore what Earth Day is about saving. The font is unpredictable as once again the cover has no indication why is uses a slanted italic font however unlike the bake off cover, the font is continuous through all the text talking about the stories inside as well as the meaning to the cover.

Question 2:
There are quite a few uses of intertextuality in the Bake off cover, one of the most obvious pieces is the continuous use of the word 'Berry' which I believe is an obvious link to the old version of Bake off which had Mary Berry on it, it is then linking her famous name to this new version of the show with new people on it, also there is intertextuality with the text box coming from noel fielding mouth stating 'I am the mighty bouche' which is a play on words which links a show which he was in in the past as bell as bouche being a type of baking item therefore it has multiple meaning and can tell people a hint as to where they might know Noel Fielding from. A third piece of intertextuality is the 'make bake of great again' hat which is very obvious intertextuality of the quote 'make America great again' which has been displayed in many presidential campaigns and is meant to infer that this new version of bake off is going to make bake off great again compared to the old version of the show.

There isn't much intertextuality shown in the Britain cover other than perhaps the link to David Attenborough who is in a story inside, it is well known that David Attenborough is devout towards nature and is a very positive towards preservation however other than this there is very little intertextuality in this.