Friday 14 December 2018

Fat Boy Slim- Representations of the artist. Yo Mama

FatBoy Slim is a Dj with a very specific style of music video; His style is complete randomness, every single music video for each of Fatboy Slims songs is diferent with no similarities other than being completely different, in different locations, with different actors with lots of random scene changes and camera shots which make the videos opposites. However one similarity which is shown in each video is the fact that there is someone dancing; the reason for this is to show the dancing style which Fatboy slim is known for, that all his music is specifically for dancing and dance music therefore a small similarity between each video is the fact that his music makes you want to dance.

At the start of the music video Yo Mama there is a calm atmosphere  created through the men who we assume are hilbillys, who are painting and watching cartoons and in general just relaxing. Through mise en scene of the characters I could tell that they are hilbillys through stereotypes of that type of people; the stereotype is shown by them wearing scrappy clothes as well as the look of their teeth and how they do not take care of themselves, also the way that the house is set up in the music video implies hilbilly behaviours of not having too much money sleeping is ramshackle abodes as opposed to usual houses.

From behind the scenes footage we know that the actors playing hilbillies are in fact just that; as well the fact they are on a tropical island, these together do in fact show a representation of Fatboy Slim and this presentation being the complete randomness which he creates, his life is a party and all sorts of crazy mental things have happened around him, I believe that these crazy mental things follow in his music and furthermore the music videos, such as the hillbillies do not make sense being on this island yet it is so due to the power of his music, as if the complete crazy music brings about the chain of events which happens within the video having turned everything on its head and just completely switched everyone to being weird, or at least weird when seen by normal people.

There is a large comedic element which the director has attempted to capture in the video; this comedic element is the thrashing fits which people apart of the video have when listening to the Yo Mama, these fits a funny because they are completely random and are an attempt by the director to show a comedic representation of Fatboy Slim. The way that the actors go into thrashing fits of dancing is not only funny but intended to represent the raves which this type of music would typically be played in and the dancing which would happen in them, where it is not really dancing but as I said thrashing fits.

Wednesday 31 October 2018

60 Second Short Film

Ill Manors

How representations of the artist are shown in the video?

How Plan B Shows the representations of the youth in the media to be a joke.
The representations of the youth in Ill manors at first glance does seem to be a horrid account of how all they want to do is nothing all day, and they crave to steal, do drugs fight and frankly just be no good for society; however he uses these examples of stereotypes of people living in those places to display his point on how the government is wrong to treat them as so.

Point of view shotIn this GiF you can see groups of youths Beating up other young people on the ground whilst the group films the abuse. The use of the phone filming in this GIF and the point of view shot, is used by Plan B to show a representation of young adults being extremely violent and disturbed so that they will just beat people. This representations is used almost to insult the media how they represent the youth like this but don't care for why, and that is the meaning of Ill Manors which is that the government doesn't understand the behaviour of the youth and therefore shouldn't just report the side of the story that these people are violent; they should report why they are.

In this Photo/ screenshot from the Ill Manors music video there is a divide of two parts of the city with the light of the sun shining down on the known and tourist areas of London in the background which should show how that is all that is seen when people visit London, the good parts. Then compare that light to the darkness of the Gheto area of London where this video is set; the reason I believe the video is people filmed like this is to show a metaphor that these people are left in the dark and ignored, their issues are not bothering the government which is later shown with the riots. these riots being Plan B showing that they were to get the governments attention to sort out the system therefore to help these people with very little.

'What needs fixing is the system
Not shop windows down in Brixton'
This lyric in my opinion is the most hard hitting; that the government give so little towards these people in the way of fixing the places they live and reduce crime, rather than doing this they are focussed on the damage done by youths. The Context for this lyric Is the London Riots when all the news stories spoke about the damage done to shops and the city of London rather than speaking the reason why these riots occurred was an unjust killing by the police on a youth. Therefore what plan B is saying is that they should help these people less fortunate so this doesn't happen again in the long term as opposed to fixing the windows for the short term.

Throughout this video the focus stays on a purely urban Environment almost as if you can't leave from that place, the grey bleak backgrounds of tower blocks, car parks, and council estates also match perfectly to the grimy lyrics and way the song is sung as if the city itself is singing the colour grey. and This city of the colour grey traps you, traps you into a life of poverty and fear over the constant crime taking place.


Wednesday 10 October 2018

Editing using premiere pro

The task you were given to do?
The task we were given was to create a 30 second music video using videos of people fly boarding and over the music 'Oops Upside your Head' we had to ensure that the clips transitioned well and the music was clear and audible with no random cuts as well.

What did you find easy?
I found easy transferring the files into the program, then cutting and placing the clips where I wanted them in order to match with the music, for instance making the fly boards sync taking off and landing on certain beats.
What was more difficult?
One of the more difficult things was adding a few transitions going form scene to scene in order to smoothen the flow of the piece where some cuts were to sharp.

How did you overcome any challenges?
I overcame the challenge of not knowing anything about premiere pro to being able to import audio and video files as well as use them to create a small music video clip; the fact I was able to create the video was something I thought I'd be unable to do but have done.

What do you think was successful?
I believe that my finished product was quite well cut and I was successful in putting together the clips and to create a flowing video from start to finish, this was successful because there were no bad jumps with moments of darkness in-between any clip and the transitions where they were made the piece better.
What do you think could have been done to improve it?
To improve the piece I made I believe I could have made the Video match the music a lot better, for instance even though I hit some of the boards on the water in time with the beats I could've cut more clips in and done it more regularly, especially I could've on louder beats when the music changed in some way. Something I would do to make in better is speed how quickly the boards landed so the slow board clips matched the fast pace of the music.

Friday 28 September 2018

Basic Camera Shots:

  • Establishing shot/ Extreme Long shot - The camera is capturing a large area, usually a building to set the time and location in which the next scene will take place.
  • Long Shot - This shot will show a characters whole body, Head to toe.
  • Mid Shot - This is a shot of a character from the waist up.
  • Two Shot - A shot of two characters in the same scene, this displays the attitudes and opinions of characters towards each other
  • Close up - This shot is a close up of usually a characters face.
  • Point Of View - The audience will see the action from a characters point of view, usually used to dramatise an object which the character is looking at showing it had some significance.
  • Extreme Close up - A close up of an area big enough for just the eyes of a character
Basic Camera Movements:
  • Tracking - Simple backwards and forwards movements.
  • Sideways Tracking - Simple Left and Right movements/Crab
  • Tilt - Up and down movements
  • Zoom - Not actually moving the camera but using its feature to zoom in and out of an object
  • Arc - Moving 180 degrees around one point.
  • Crane/ Drone - Using either in order to get movement from above the action.
  • Panning - The camera will stay still an move over an area.
Basic Camera Angles:
  • Over the Shoulder - This captures part of the back of one characters head and allows you to see what the character is looking at as a whole rather than focussing in.
  • High Angle Shot - Looking down at someone, used to show the character as weak.
  • Low Angle Shot - Looking up at someone, used to show a character as strong and powerful.
                                                                        Long Shot

Mid shot

                                                                         Close Up

                                                                 Extreme close Up

Establishing shot

Over the Shoulder

Two Shot

Low Angle Shot