Wednesday 10 October 2018

Editing using premiere pro

The task you were given to do?
The task we were given was to create a 30 second music video using videos of people fly boarding and over the music 'Oops Upside your Head' we had to ensure that the clips transitioned well and the music was clear and audible with no random cuts as well.

What did you find easy?
I found easy transferring the files into the program, then cutting and placing the clips where I wanted them in order to match with the music, for instance making the fly boards sync taking off and landing on certain beats.
What was more difficult?
One of the more difficult things was adding a few transitions going form scene to scene in order to smoothen the flow of the piece where some cuts were to sharp.

How did you overcome any challenges?
I overcame the challenge of not knowing anything about premiere pro to being able to import audio and video files as well as use them to create a small music video clip; the fact I was able to create the video was something I thought I'd be unable to do but have done.

What do you think was successful?
I believe that my finished product was quite well cut and I was successful in putting together the clips and to create a flowing video from start to finish, this was successful because there were no bad jumps with moments of darkness in-between any clip and the transitions where they were made the piece better.
What do you think could have been done to improve it?
To improve the piece I made I believe I could have made the Video match the music a lot better, for instance even though I hit some of the boards on the water in time with the beats I could've cut more clips in and done it more regularly, especially I could've on louder beats when the music changed in some way. Something I would do to make in better is speed how quickly the boards landed so the slow board clips matched the fast pace of the music.

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